
design studio for
visual communication
and beyond

Stereohype – A Decade | Anniversary Book

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Logos | Identities, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Postcard | FL@33 Book

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Jörg Preußer / FL@33's Tomi | Suchprozess Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Photography, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

EMAP / MM | Cover Design – Under 40

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Publishing

Southbank Centre / Royal Festival Hall | Classical Music Campaign

Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Penrhyn Books | The Bitter Sea

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Photography, Print, Products, Typography, Publishing, Retail

Novum | Cover Illustration

Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Co & Bear | Garlic Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Print, Food | Beverage, Publishing

Zwischenstation / Coup de grace | Poems Collection

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

The Story of Emoji | Cover And Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

The 3D Type Book | FL@33 Book

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Moving image, Photography, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

200% Cotton | Book Design

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Photography, Print, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

EMAP / MM | Cover Design – 3 Thinking

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Publishing

Patterns | Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Trans-form Magazine

Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Print, Products, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound, Publishing, Retail

The Creator Studio | Cover / Illustrations

Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Others, Publishing, Retail

Southbank Centre / Royal Festival Hall | Covers

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Photography, Print, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Patterns | Mini Edition Cover

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

300% Cotton | Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, T-shirts | Clothing, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Creative Review | Cover Design

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

RCA | CCA | No One Lives Here | Exhibition Catalogue

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, Environments | 3D, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Education, Non Profit, Publishing

Made & Sold | FL@33 Book

Book design, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Génépi Immobilier | Brochure

Covers | Jackets, Print, Others

FL@33 – Design&Designer 033 | Monograph

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Publishing

Postcard | Book Packaging Design

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Architecture Series | Covers

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing

transparent for Imageloading