The Story of Emoji, by Gavin Lucas, designed by FL@33 and also including a commissioned custom-designed FL@33 emoji, p.167, Prestel Publishing, UK, March 2016 (English)
Stereohype 2004–2014, 10 Years, 1,000 Button Badges, Over 300 Contributors — FL@33-designed anniversary book, London, UK, September 2014 (English)
Design Week,, A Few Of My Favourite Sneakers, London, UK, 2 May 2013 (English)
Juxtapositions, January – March 2013, MICA, Events, Tomi Vollauschek lecture announcement, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, January 2013 (English)
Computer Arts, Summer issue 204, Transform your fortunes, FL@33 interview excerpts, London, UK, August 2012 (English)
SFi – Special Feature issue (by invitation only),, FL@33 profile / interview, Montreal, Canada, May 2011 (English)
Page / e-mag,, FL@33 profile / interview, Hamburg, Germany, January 2011 (German)
Digital Arts, Creative Freedom feature, January 2011 issue, London, UK, December 2010 (English)
Designers’ Identities, FL@33 profile / case study, Laurence King Publishing, by Liz Farrelly, London, UK, November 2010 (English)
Typoshirt One, Index Book, Barcelona, Spain, October 2010 (English)
Selected A – Graphic Design from Europe, Index Book, Barcelona, Spain, October 2010 (English)
Ari, issue 2, books: Made & Sold mention, Thailand, June 2010 (English and Thai)
RGB – Reviewing Graphics in Britain, Actar, by Marc Valli and Richard Brereton, FL@33 profile / interview, Barcelona, Spain, May 2010 (English)
Digital Arts, February issue, Draw Some Ca$h feature, FL@33 interview excerpts, London, UK, January 2010 (English)
Creative Review, December issue, Best Books 2009: Made & Sold, London, UK, November 2009 (English)
British Design 2010, Bis Publishers, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, November 2009 (English)
Computer Arts Project, 130, December issue, Underground Inspirations feature and Made & Sold review, London, UK, November 2009 (English)
Page, December issue, Made & Sold review, Hamburg, Germany, November 2009 (German)
Cool Hunting,, Made & Sold review, by Jeremy Brautman, USA, 26 October 2009 (English)
Digital Arts, November issue, B.I.O. 8 launch, London, UK, October 2009 (English)
Made & Sold: Toys, T-shirts, Prints, Zines and Other Stuff, Laurence King Publishing, by FL@33, London, UK, October 2009 (English)
Digital Arts, October issue, Made & Sold review, London, UK, September 2009 (English)
Computer Arts, 159, Online Outlets, London, UK, March 2009 (English)
Postcard, Laurence King Publishing, by FL@33, London, UK, and another three foreign language editions of Postcard:
Cartes Postales, Pyramyd Editions, France,
Postales – Diseño Por Correo, Gustavo Gili, Spain, and also:
Postcard – Postkarten-Design heute, Dumont Buchverlag, Germany, September 2008
(English, German, French and Spanish)
Babyboss, vol. 1, edition 4, bilingual, English and Indonesian, 12-page FL@33 profile / interview, Jakarta, Indonesia, September 2008 (English)
Great British Editorial, Index Book, by Emeyele, Barcelona, Spain, August 2008 (English)
Artrocker, 74, B.I.O. 5 launch, London, UK, January 2008 (English)
Computer Arts, 132, February issue, Good Month – Badges of Honour, London, UK, January 2007 (English)
What is Graphic Design For?, RotoVision, by Alice Twemlow, East Sussex, May 2006 (English)
ECV Aix-en-Provence, design residency 2024 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass typography workshop at ECV Aix-en-Provence, France, 28–31 October 2024
ECV Lille, design residency 2024 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop at ECV Lille, France, 15–19 January 2024
ECV Aix-en-Provence, design residency 2023 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop at ECV Aix-en-Provence, France, 2–5 May 2023
Type Talks Series: Tomi Vollauschek — Tomi Vollauschek Type Talk with Q&A at Cambridge College of Art / A.R.U. Anglia Ruskin University, UK, 13 March 2023
Royal College of Art (RCA) Zoom Webinar .A (point A) Graphic Reflections — A curated live-streamed video conference with selected RCA Alumni – including FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – in support of RCA 2020 graduates – and now also available for all, 30 July 2020
ECV Lille, design residency 2019 – FL@33 masterclass workshop and lecture — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop and lecture at ECV Lille, France, 8 January – 1 February 2019. Lecture: 30 January 2019.
ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2017 – FL@33 workshops and lecture Tomi Vollauschek Master class workshops and evening lecture at ECV Bordeaux, France, 27 February – 3 March 2017
Limelight Night: Crossing Disciplines, House of Illustration, King's Cross, London, 2 Granary Square, N1C 4BH, 27 January 2017, 11am–6pm
ECV Lille, design residency 2016 – FL@33 workshop and lecture at École de Communication Visuelle, Lille, France, 12–15 April 2016
Stereohype 2004–2014, celebrated 10 years of Stereohype – FL@33's experimental playground and international platform – and the collection reaching 1,000 button badges by over 300 contributors. The exhibition opened as part of London Design Festival 2014 and as part of '160' – a series of exhibitions hosted by the London College of Communication (LCC) in London. 13 Sep – 8 Nov (Extra week added – exhibition extended due to popular demand, was 31 Oct), Lower Street Gallery, LCC, London, UK.
FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – public lecture at h_da, Darmstadt High Noon Special #33, Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Gestaltung (formerly known as FH Darmstadt), University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Design, Darmstadt, Germany, 22 May 2013.
MICA, FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek designer in residence 2013 at MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA (lecture and workshop).
Selected A – Graphic Design from Europe, FL@33 talk, Barcelona, Spain, 12–13 March 2010
Urban vs Suburban, screening 8min 20sec video composition (Cars #3, 2009) by FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek, London Transport Museum, London, UK, 6 November 2009
Design-a-Qee UK launch and Toy2R DIY Expo FL@33’s Mr Papillon qee and Mr Bad Luck, London, UK, 7–19 June 2005
March 31st, 2021 — Now available to watch: The video recording of Royal College of Art (RCA) Zoom Webinar .A (point A) Graphic Reflections. The curated live-streamed video conference with selected Royal College of Art Alumni – including FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – was organised in support of RCA 2020 graduates – and is now also available for all.
July 30th, 2020 — Royal College of Art (RCA) Zoom Webinar .A (point A) Graphic Reflections: A curated live-streamed video conference with selected Royal College of Art Alumni – including FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – in support of RCA 2020 graduates.
July 1st, 2020 — Happy birthday FL@33! Today is our studio anniversary and we are moving to a new London address this week. Crazy times. It’s been 19 years already that FL@33 started its space odyssey in 2001! More info when this whirlwind is settling down a little...
June 14, 2019 — Check out our Instagram channel (@flat33studio) where we post observations, happy accidents, really beautiful things and also the odd ugly gem – all sorts of shenanigans in other words – and currently also ancient oddities from our work archive.
January 30th, 2019 — Evening lecture by Tomi Vollauschek as part of a 5-day FL@33 design residency at ECV Lille (École de Communication Visuelle / School of Visual Communication), France.
February 27th, 2017 — Evening lecture by Tomi Vollauschek as part of a 5-day FL@33 design residency at ECV Bordeaux, France.
November 30th, 2016 — It's official: ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2017 – FL@33 workshops and lecture. More info.
June 7th, 2016 — Graphic art label and online boutique Stereohype launched a massive sale today – including 182 FL@33 products such as signed books, graphic art prints, button badges and T-shirts. Voucher codes for extra discounts can be found on's homepage during the sale.
April 15th, 2016 — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek is heading back to London tonight after an exciting week as designer in residence at the ECV Lille, France, where he ran a 4-day workshop and gave an evening lecture. See a documentation here.
April 12th, 2016 — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek will give an evening lecture for students of ECV Lille as part of his design residency at the French college this week.
November 16th, 2015 — FL@33's now annual design initiative B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Button Badge Series just went into its 15th round. B.I.O. Series 15: now available at
April 7th, 2015 — DigitalArts interviewed FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek about the newly launched Stereohype v.2 website.
October 20th, 2014 — Ten years of button badges, CR Blog posted a very nice article with interview excerpts today about FL@33's button badge activities such as our Stereohype 2004–2014 book, anniversary exhibition, commissioned posters and this year's B.I.O. Series.
August 21st, 2014 — Press release and invitation: Stereohype 2004–2014 — 10 years, 1,000 button badges, over 300 contributors, 1 exhibition, 10 specially commissioned posters (together with badge), several new product releases including B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series 14, call for entries for our 10th annual button badge design competition and more...
___ Please join us in London when we celebrate Stereohype's 10th anniversary – FL@33's experimental playground and international platform – with a huge exhibition. The private view will be on 18 Sep and the show will run from 13 Sep until – extended to 8 Nov (was 31 Oct). Please read the press release and invitation for all details.
August 8th, 2014 — Stereohype 2004–2014 — It's official as of today: FL@33's experimental playground and international platform for both emerging and established talents alike – Stereohype – will celebrate its 10th anniversary in style with an exhibition that will open its gate during London Design Festival 2014 and as part of '160' – a series of exhibitions hosted by the London College of Communication (LCC).
___ The FL@33-designed and curated show also marks the fact that Stereohype's popular button badge collection, created by over 300 contributors, will reach its 1,000th button badge this September, with each badge being showcased including an anniversary poster and badge project specially commissioned for the occasion. Preparations are in full swing and the official press release and invitation will be posted soon.
___ Sat 13 September – extended to Sat 8 November (was Fri 31 October), Mon–Fri 10am–5pm, Sat 11am–4pm, closed Sunday. Private View: Thu 18 September 6–9pm Hope to see you there. #st10yrs #lcc160 #ldf14
___ Location: Lower Street Gallery, London College of Communication, Elephant and Castle, London SE1 6SB
October 3rd, 2012 — A box of FL@33's widely-acclaimed, award-winning, previously sold-out, limited edition, large-scale magazine Trans-form was unearthed. Signed copies of this first edition are in perfect / mint condition and available now at
___ For all those who already own a copy or are planning to purchase one – we have prepared a free and downloadable CD-Rom update in order to play the content on Mac OS X machines. Please see Trans-form's product page at Stereohype for details. We also posted a screen capture preview video of the CD-Rom's content and you can now watch it for the first time online via our Vimeo channel.
July 13th, 2012 — Just confirmed: 2013: FL@33 goes America. Tomi Vollauschek designer in residence 2013 at MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA (lecture and workshop).
September 14th, 2011 — We'll be raising a glass or two tonight at our publisher's 20th birthday party – with the Laurence King himself and his team. Cheers! On the next 20 years of independent publishing! 8)