Postcard, exciting postcards from around the world, Laurence King Publishing, book conceived, compiled, written and designed by FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek under the FL@33 tag / Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek – also featured: p.31, pp.56–57, pp.112–115, p.184, p.224, London, UK, September 2008
Foreign Language editions of Postcard:
Cartes Postales, Pyramyd Editions, Paris, France, September 2008
Postales – Diseño Por Correo, Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, Spain, September 2008
Postcard – Postkarten-Design heute, Dumont Buchverlag, September 2008
(English, German, French and Spanish)
Postcard is the very first major publication conceived, compiled, written and designed by FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek under the FL@33 tag / Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek at London-based design studio FL@33.
___ The original English edition of Postcard was released in September 2008 by Laurence King Publishing. Several foreign language editions were also released by their international partner publishers including a French edition by Pyramyd Editions entitled Cartes Postales, a Spanish edition by Gustavo Gili entitled Postales – Diseño por correo and a German edition who kept the original English title Postcard (but added the German subtitle Postkarten-Design heute) by DuMont – Literatur und Kunstverlag.
Postcard is the only book to document recent postcard design, this will appeal to anyone interested in art, design and graphics and taps into the trend for postcards – popular in art, advertising and as limited editions for collectors.
___ The book features on 224 pages over 800 hand-picked postcards and postcard-related projects by over 130 artists, illustrators, photographers, designers, studios and collectives from all around the world, with emerging talents sitting alongside established artists. Features handmade artworks, limited edition sets and books, commercial promo cards, high-tech postcards and interactive online projects that successfully link the virtual with the physical world.
(...) Yay for this gem of a book and the *fantastic* cover! Tina Roth Eisenberg, Swissmiss blog
(...) '... Postcard, a beautifully crafted tome (compiled and edited by FL@33) aimed at the coffee tables and carefully curated shelves of designers and image makers – and of course those that appreciate such things …' (...) Gavin Lucas, Get Involved Blog
The book comes in an exciting packaging FL@33 developed back in February 2007. Its die-cut cover reveals details from the 20 commissioned postcards contained in pockets behind the cover.
___ There are over 380 different versions of the front cover alone – due to the different possible combinations of the 20 enclosed cards that are inserted in random order.
___ FL@33 commissioned postcards to be enclosed by Daniel Eatock, Juju's Delivery, Jeremyville, 123Klan, Geneviève Gauckler, Catalina Estrada, Marion Deuchars, Hellovon, eBoy, Gregory Gilbert-Lodge, Supermundane, Anthony Burrill, Tabas, Rinzen, Andrzej Klimowski, Yorgo Tloupas, Mark Adams, Elisabeth Lecourt, Vaughan Oliver at v23 and FL@33 also created one for the series.
We also launched a dedicated FL@33-designed and built website – – featuring details such as the complete list of contributors, previews of the original English and all foreign language editions.
Previous FL@33-designed books for Laurence King Publishing included the internationally successful 200% Cotton – New T-Shirt Design (2004), its sequel 300% Cotton – More T-Shirt Design (2006), the best-selling Patterns – New Surface Design (2007/2012) and Cult Streetwear (2010/2011).
___ In addition to designing books FL@33 also conceived, compiled, wrote and designed books in collaboration with Laurence King Publishing. The first book was Postcard (2008, Available editions: English: Laurence King Publishing, German: DuMont, French: Pyramyd and Spanish: Gustavo Gili), followed by Made & Sold (2009) and more recently The 3D Type Book (2011).
original English edition (Laurence King) (signed copies,
worldwide shipping)
German edition (DuMont)
French edition (Pyramyd)
Spanish edition (Gustavo Gili)
with pockets
holding 20 postcards
800 illustrations
224 pages
218 x 164mm
ISBN: 978-1-85669-569-5 (English)
Published September 2008
Laurence King Publishing
ISBN: 978-3-8321-9092-7
DuMont Buchverlag
ISBN : 978-2-35017-128-9
ISBN: 978-84-252-2264-1
Gustavo Gili
Postcard and Cartes Postales:
Peter Pan by Jan von Holleben and the card with planes by Emily Forgot
Postcard – Postkarten-Design heute:
card with girl motif by Catalina Estrada and the card with planes by Emily Forgot
Postales – Diseño por correo:
Postal Decorativ by Laurie Forehand, 1201am and Mail Art by Riitta Ikonen
The sample spreads featured here are taken from the book's prelims and its 5 chapters B.I.O. – By invitation Only, Specials, Books and Sets, Ongoing Projects. The samples are featuring work by Andrzej Klimowski, Yorgo Tloupas, Vaughan Oliver at v23, FL@33, Johnson Banks, Karin Kloubert at April-Mediengruppe, Riitta Ikonen, Emmi Salonen at Emmi, Emily Alston at Emily Forgot, Garance Margot, Daniel Eatock, Polite Cards (David Shrigley set), RCA Secret – Royal College of Art's fundraising postcard exhibition.
Vaughan Oliver: Archive (VO:A), book 1/2: Materials and fragments, chapter VO:9—The Body Electric, FL@33 / Stereohype / Vaughan Oliver collaboration 10 / 10x10: Fig.23—Down To Ten Men poster, p.352 and p.392, London, UK, 16 October 2018 (English)
The Story of Emoji, by Gavin Lucas, designed by FL@33 and also including a commissioned custom-designed FL@33 emoji, p.167, Prestel Publishing, UK, March 2016 (English)
Computer Arts, Summer issue 204, Transform your fortunes, FL@33 interview excerpts, London, UK, August 2012 (English)
SFi – Special Feature issue (by invitation only),, FL@33 profile / interview, Montreal, Canada, May 2011 (English)
Page / e-mag,, FL@33 profile / interview, Hamburg, Germany, January 2011 (German)
Digital Arts, Creative Freedom feature, January 2011 issue, London, UK, December 2010 (English)
Designers’ Identities, FL@33 profile / case study, Laurence King Publishing, by Liz Farrelly, London, UK, November 2010 (English)
Ari, issue 2, books: Made & Sold mention, Thailand, June 2010 (English and Thai)
RGB – Reviewing Graphics in Britain, Actar, by Marc Valli and Richard Brereton, FL@33 profile / interview, Barcelona, Spain, May 2010 (English)
Digital Arts, February issue, Draw Some Ca$h feature, FL@33 interview excerpts, London, UK, January 2010 (English)
Digital Arts, December issue, Postcard review, London, UK, December 2008 (English)
Page, December issue, Postcard book review, Hamburg, Germany, December 2008 (German)
Babyboss, vol. 1, edition 4, bilingual, English and Indonesian, 12-page FL@33 profile / interview, Jakarta, Indonesia, September 2008 (English)
Great British Editorial, Index Book, by Emeyele, Barcelona, Spain, August 2008 (English)
Computer Arts, 141, October issue, Book of Inspiration supplement, unedited Q&A, London, UK, September 2007 (English)
Hitspaper interviews (, by Arata Sasaki, Tokyo, Japan, August 2007 (English and Japanese)
Étapes: international, 7, Pinning Hopes, Paris, France, January 2007 (English)
ECV Aix-en-Provence, design residency 2024 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass typography workshop at ECV Aix-en-Provence, France, 28–31 October 2024
ECV Lille, design residency 2024 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop at ECV Lille, France, 15–19 January 2024
ECV Aix-en-Provence, design residency 2023 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop at ECV Aix-en-Provence, France, 2–5 May 2023
Type Talks Series: Tomi Vollauschek — Tomi Vollauschek Type Talk with Q&A at Cambridge College of Art / A.R.U. Anglia Ruskin University, UK, 13 March 2023
Royal College of Art (RCA) Zoom Webinar .A (point A) Graphic Reflections — A curated live-streamed video conference with selected RCA Alumni – including FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – in support of RCA 2020 graduates – and now also available for all, 30 July 2020
ECV Lille, design residency 2019 – FL@33 masterclass workshop and lecture — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop and lecture at ECV Lille, France, 8 January – 1 February 2019. Lecture: 30 January 2019.
ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2018 – FL@33 workshops Tomi Vollauschek workshops at ECV Bordeaux, France, 12–16 February 2018
ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2017 – FL@33 workshops and lecture Tomi Vollauschek Master class workshops and evening lecture at ECV Bordeaux, France, 27 February – 3 March 2017
Limelight Night: Crossing Disciplines, House of Illustration, King's Cross, London, 2 Granary Square, N1C 4BH, 27 January 2017, 11am–6pm
ECV Lille, design residency 2016 – FL@33 workshop and lecture at École de Communication Visuelle, Lille, France, 12–15 April 2016
Transition: An Exhibition of Contemporary Photography, group exhibition curated by Mark Adams, including a selection of FL@33 works, PS Mirabel Gallery, Open every Saturday 11am to 5pm and by appointment, Mirabel Studios, 14/20 Mirabel Street, M3 1PJ Manchester, UK, 25 February – 3 April 2016
RCA Secret 2015 (Dubai), postcards by FL@33's Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek, Art Dubai, United Arab Emirates, 18–21 March 2015
RCA Secret 2015 (London), postcards by FL@33's Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 12–20 March 2015
GraphicsRCA: Fifty Years, retrospective graphic design exhibition of RCA alumni work while they were students at the College. Royal College of Art, 5 November – 22 December 2014
Stereohype 2004–2014, celebrated 10 years of Stereohype – FL@33's experimental playground and international platform – and the collection reaching 1,000 button badges by over 300 contributors. The exhibition opened as part of London Design Festival 2014 and as part of '160' – a series of exhibitions hosted by the London College of Communication (LCC) in London. 13 Sep – 8 Nov (Extra week added – exhibition extended due to popular demand, was 31 Oct), Lower Street Gallery, LCC, London, UK.
RCA Secret 2014, FL@33 postcards, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 13–22 March 2014
FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – public lecture at h_da, Darmstadt High Noon Special #33, Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Gestaltung (formerly known as FH Darmstadt), University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Design, Darmstadt, Germany, 22 May 2013.
MICA, FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek designer in residence 2013 at MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA (lecture and workshop).
RCA Secret 2013, FL@33 postcards, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 14–23 March 2013
Selected A – Graphic Design from Europe, FL@33 talk, Barcelona, Spain, 12–13 March 2010
A Discerning Christmas, FL@33 card contribution, Notting Hill Arts Club, London, UK,
7 December 2004
March 31st, 2021 — Now available to watch: The video recording of Royal College of Art (RCA) Zoom Webinar .A (point A) Graphic Reflections. The curated live-streamed video conference with selected Royal College of Art Alumni – including FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – was organised in support of RCA 2020 graduates – and is now also available for all.
July 30th, 2020 — Royal College of Art (RCA) Zoom Webinar .A (point A) Graphic Reflections: A curated live-streamed video conference with selected Royal College of Art Alumni – including FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – in support of RCA 2020 graduates.
July 1st, 2020 — Happy birthday FL@33! Today is our studio anniversary and we are moving to a new London address this week. Crazy times. It’s been 19 years already that FL@33 started its space odyssey in 2001! More info when this whirlwind is settling down a little...
June 14, 2019 — Check out our Instagram channel (@flat33studio) where we post observations, happy accidents, really beautiful things and also the odd ugly gem – all sorts of shenanigans in other words – and currently also ancient oddities from our work archive.
January 30th, 2019 — Evening lecture by Tomi Vollauschek as part of a 5-day FL@33 design residency at ECV Lille (École de Communication Visuelle / School of Visual Communication), France.
June 18th, 2018 — Our blank RCA Secret postcards just in for this year's exhibition and fundraiser in London. More info in our exhibitions section. See FL@33's previous RCA Secret postcards.
February 27th, 2017 — Evening lecture by Tomi Vollauschek as part of a 5-day FL@33 design residency at ECV Bordeaux, France.
November 30th, 2016 — It's official: ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2017 – FL@33 workshops and lecture. More info.
June 7th, 2016 — Graphic art label and online boutique Stereohype launched a massive sale today – including 182 FL@33 products such as signed books, graphic art prints, button badges and T-shirts. Voucher codes for extra discounts can be found on's homepage during the sale.
April 15th, 2016 — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek is heading back to London tonight after an exciting week as designer in residence at the ECV Lille, France, where he ran a 4-day workshop and gave an evening lecture. See a documentation here.
April 12th, 2016 — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek will give an evening lecture for students of ECV Lille as part of his design residency at the French college this week.
March 2nd, 2016 — Mind Blown – FL@33's very own custom emoji created specially for the also FL@33-designed book The Story of Emoji by Gavin Lucas (Prestel).
February 27th, 2016 — Selected for inclusion: a total of eight previously unreleased FL@33 photographs were printed as picture postcards for Transmission: Photography & the Postcard – part of the group exhibition Transition: An Exhibition of Contemporary Photography.
February 25th, 2016 — Group show Transition: An Exhibition of Contemporary Photography and a section of the show entitled Transmission: Photography & the Postcard – both feature FL@33 contributions. See a few previews here. Open until 3 April 2016.
January 21st, 2016 — Our blank RCA Secret postcards just in for this year's fundraisers in London and Dubai. More info in our exhibitions section. See FL@33's previous RCA Secret postcards.
August 30th, 2015 — FL@33 work shown in Brazil as part of travelling exhibition GraphicsRCA: Fifty Years of Graphic Design and beyond, showing original student work from the Royal College of Art’s Special Collections and Archives – including several early projects by FL@33-founders Agathe Jacquillat and Tomi Vollauschek, National Museum of the Republic, Mezzanine Gallery, Brasilia, Brazil. 4–27 September 2015. More info. See pictures of GraphicsRCA's London show (2014) here.
April 7th, 2015 — DigitalArts interviewed FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek about the newly launched Stereohype v.2 website.
August 21st, 2014 — Press release and invitation: Stereohype 2004–2014 — 10 years, 1,000 button badges, over 300 contributors, 1 exhibition, 10 specially commissioned posters (together with badge), several new product releases including B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series 14, call for entries for our 10th annual button badge design competition and more...
___ Please join us in London when we celebrate Stereohype's 10th anniversary – FL@33's experimental playground and international platform – with a huge exhibition. The private view will be on 18 Sep and the show will run from 13 Sep until – extended to 8 Nov (was 31 Oct). Please read the press release and invitation for all details.
August 8th, 2014 — Stereohype 2004–2014 — It's official as of today: FL@33's experimental playground and international platform for both emerging and established talents alike – Stereohype – will celebrate its 10th anniversary in style with an exhibition that will open its gate during London Design Festival 2014 and as part of '160' – a series of exhibitions hosted by the London College of Communication (LCC).
___ The FL@33-designed and curated show also marks the fact that Stereohype's popular button badge collection, created by over 300 contributors, will reach its 1,000th button badge this September, with each badge being showcased including an anniversary poster and badge project specially commissioned for the occasion. Preparations are in full swing and the official press release and invitation will be posted soon.
___ Sat 13 September – extended to Sat 8 November (was Fri 31 October), Mon–Fri 10am–5pm, Sat 11am–4pm, closed Sunday. Private View: Thu 18 September 6–9pm Hope to see you there. #st10yrs #lcc160 #ldf14
___ Location: Lower Street Gallery, London College of Communication, Elephant and Castle, London SE1 6SB
March 22nd, 2014 — The secrets revealed – including FL@33's six RCA Secret 2014 postcard contributions for this year's fund-raising sale and exhibition.
March 21st, 2013 — Two RCA Secret 2013 postcard contributions by FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek spotted on British ITV News tonight. FL@33 contributed a total of six cards and 2700 were selected to be displayed at this fund-raising exhibition. See ITV news stills here.
November 29th, 2011 — RCA Secret 2011 postcard contribution by FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek spotted on Germany's TV channel ZDF.
September 14th, 2011 — We'll be raising a glass or two tonight at our publisher's 20th birthday party – with the Laurence King himself and his team. Cheers! On the next 20 years of independent publishing! 8)