
design studio for
visual communication
and beyond

RCA | CCA | No One Lives Here | Exhibition Catalogue

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, Environments | 3D, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Education, Non Profit, Publishing

FL@33 Logo (2004–Today)

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Typography, Culture | Arts

Postcard Book | Quadrilingual Website

Campaigns, FL@33 projects, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

MMM-Festival | Website

Campaigns, Logos | Identities, Photography, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

RCA Secret 2018 | Road Works

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Handmade T-shirt

Customisation, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion

Singing Pasta / Eat And Be Eaten | Animation

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Photography, Screen, Culture | Arts, Food | Beverage, Music | Sound

Weeks & Cowling | Business Card

Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors

Arts Affaires | Stationery and Moving Card

Logos | Identities, Print, Culture | Arts

Matelsom | Metro Poster Campaign 2003/04

Campaigns, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Retail

RCA Secret 2008 | Postcards

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Culture | Arts

200% Cotton | Book Design

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Photography, Print, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Penrhyn Books | Logo

Logos | Identities, Typography, Publishing

FL@33's Agathe | Video Snapshot / Balloons

Moving image, Culture | Arts

Type Poster | Dalai Lama Speech

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

RCA Secret 2015 | Secret Postcards

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Button Badge Motif Prints (STBBMP) | Concept generation, Identity, Designs

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Interior design, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

École Normale de Musique | Brochure / Poster

Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Education, Music | Sound

My Brand Project | Illustration

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Culture | Arts, Publishing

The Story of Emoji | Cover And Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Samaritaine | Illustration Series

Campaigns, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Retail

Stereohype | FL@33 | (2014) Postcard Set #4

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Stereohype | Glitch (STBBMP BIO16)

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Interior design, Photography, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

1961 Short Film | Logo

Campaigns, FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Typography, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | AFOMFS Packaging Shoelace

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Stereohype – A Decade | Anniversary Book

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Logos | Identities, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

RCA Secret 2009 | Postcards

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Typography, Culture | Arts

MMM-Festival | Campaign 2008

Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

FL@33 Postcard #2 | Envelope Pattern

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Fedrigoni 365 | 2023 | Book Contribution <3≈

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Friends of the Earth | Postcard Set

Campaigns, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Non Profit

3D Type Visuals | ABC Dimensional

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Channel 4 | Yr.1 Photo Exhibitions

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Advent Calendars | Product Development

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Trans-form Magazine

Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Print, Products, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound, Publishing, Retail

Spiked | Animation Proposal 1 / Matrix

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Moving image, Screen, Food | Beverage

Stereohype | FL@33 | (2018) Postcard Set #5

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Every Day is Play – A Celebration of the Video Game | FL@33 Contribution

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

RCA Secret 2005 | Postcards

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Culture | Arts

Toy2R | Custom Bunny Qee

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Products, Culture | Arts, Retail

Groupe Galeries Lafayette | LaSer Illustration

Illustration, Print, Others, Retail

Stereohype | Air Lines (STBBMP BIO20)

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Interior design, Photography, Print, Products, Typography, Retail

Fleabag | One Photo, The Play, The Stage, The Chair and a Fog Machine

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Photography, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Stereohype – A Decade | Exhibit: Party Squirrel Sculpture

Campaigns, Customisation, Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Interior design, Logos | Identities, Moving image, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Postcard | Book Packaging Design

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Trans-form | Cityscape Insects (Prints)

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

BlackBook Magazine | Illustration

Illustration, Print, Publishing

The Tuning Company | Illustrations

Illustration, Others

Toy2R | Custom Knuckle Bears

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Products, Culture | Arts, Retail

The Creator Studio | Cover / Illustrations

Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Others, Publishing, Retail

Metaphysics Animation

Illustration, Moving image, Screen, Typography, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Fedrigoni 365 | 2021 | Book Contribution

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

FL@33 Logo (2002) | Street Typeface 33

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Save The Stereohype Squirrel | Outdoor Sculpture

Campaigns, Customisation, Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Interior design, Logos | Identities, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Others, Publishing, Retail

FL@33 | First Studio Stationery

FL@33 projects, Print, Culture | Arts

Matelsom | E-Commerce Website (v.2)

Screen, Websites | Digital, Retail

Two Faced Book | Antoine+Manuel Portrait

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Balloons | Print Series 2

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Photography, Print, Products, Culture | Arts

VH1 | Idents / VJ Background Animations

Illustration, Logos | Identities, Moving image, Screen, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound, Others

200% Cotton | Promo T-shirts

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Weeks & Cowling | Logo Animation

Logos | Identities, Moving image, Screen, Typography, Architecture | Interiors

Weeks & Cowling | Website (v.2)

Logos | Identities, Screen, Typography, Websites | Digital, Architecture | Interiors

Cult Streetwear | Book Design

Book design, Illustration, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Installation For 7 Screens

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Screen, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

FL@33 – Design&Designer 033 | Monograph

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Publishing

Weeks & Cowling | Stationery

Illustration, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors

Kids Love Photography | Logo | Social Media Assets

Logos | Identities, Moving image, Print, Screen, Typography, Culture | Arts, Education, Publishing

Video Animation | MTV Silence

FL@33 projects, Moving image, Screen

Stereohype | (2004) Postcard Set #1

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Fedrigoni 365 | 2019 | Book Contribution

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Photo Series | Graphic Nature

FL@33 projects, Photography, Culture | Arts

Southbank Centre / Royal Festival Hall | Covers

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Photography, Print, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Equity | Board Game Design | Prototype #5 Versions

Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Education, Others, Publishing, Retail

FL@33 Postcard #7 | The 3D Type Book Promo Card

Campaigns, Customisation, FL@33 projects, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Stereohype – A Decade | Exhibit: Button Badge Artwork

Campaigns, Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Tree Series Prints | Hibernation / Deer

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Computer Arts Project | Lead Illustration

Illustration, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

FL@33 | Studio Website v.1

FL@33 projects

Type Tart Card Project

FL@33 projects, Typography, Culture | Arts

Friends of the Earth | Big Ask Gig Programmes

Campaigns, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound, Non Profit

Butterfly Pencil Sculpture

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

FL@33 CD-Rom #1

FL@33 projects, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts

MMM-Festival | Programme 2010

Campaigns, Print, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound, Publishing

FL@33 Postcard #1 | Tower Crane Typeface

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | E-Commerce Website (v.1)

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Screen, Typography, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Video Experiment | CCTV

FL@33 projects, Moving image, Screen, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

MTV Networks | MTV:NEW Pitch

Illustration, Logos | Identities, Moving image, Screen, Typography, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound, Others

Creative Review | Illustration / Lettering

Illustration, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Penrhyn Books | Stationery

Logos | Identities, Print, Publishing

Location 68 | Stationery

Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Others, Sport | Leisure

Valencia Biennale | ASCII Eye Animation

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Products, Screen, Typography, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Penrhyn Books | Promo Card

Campaigns, Illustration, Photography, Print, Typography, Publishing, Retail

Fedrigoni 366 | 2024 | Book Contribution ꩜

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Moving image, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

RCA Secret 2004 | Postcards

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Holographic Squirrel Stickers

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Stereohype | Visual Identity 2004–2014 (and beyond)

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Posters | Postcards, Print, Screen, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

MMM-Festival | Logo System

Logos | Identities, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Arts Affaires | Logo

Logos | Identities, Print, Culture | Arts

Flying Forest

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Photography, Products, Culture | Arts


FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Education, Music | Sound, Non Profit

Custom Rubber Floor Design

Customisation, Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Interior design, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts

Solo Exhibition | Frankfurt

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Made & Sold | FL@33 Book

Book design, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Screenprinted Wedding Suit

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion

FL@33 | Studio Website v.2–v.2.5

FL@33 projects, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts

Bzzzpeek Logo

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Typography, Culture | Arts, Education, Music | Sound

Stereohype 2004–2014 | Exhibit: Video Loop

Campaigns, Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

EIFA Parents | Logo

Logos | Identities, Typography, Education

meubles.com | E-Commerce Website

Screen, Websites | Digital, Retail

Samaritaine | Cover Illustration

Illustration, Print, Retail

Stereohype | Limited Edition AFOMFS Button Badge Gift Boxes

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

RCA Secret 2010 | Postcards

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Culture | Arts

AJ Monogram | Logo

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Custom Havana Club Bottle

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Food | Beverage

Balloons | Print Series 3

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Photography, Print, Products, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Password1 T-shirt

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

1961 Short Film | Posters and Banners

Campaigns, FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Posters | Postcards, Print, Screen, Typography, Culture | Arts

Tattoo Icons Book Contributions

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing

Elaine Harris / Cuba | Stationery

Print, Others

Co & Bear | Garlic Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Print, Food | Beverage, Publishing

L'Arte di Sacla | Animation / Sound

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Photography, Screen, Culture | Arts, Food | Beverage

RCA Secret 2014 | Postcards

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | 45rpm Adaptors (STBBMP BIO19)

Customisation, Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Interior design, Print, Products, Typography, Retail

Stereohype | (2006) Postcard Set #2

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

300% Cotton | Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, T-shirts | Clothing, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Penrhyn Books | E-Commerce Website

Campaigns, Logos | Identities, Screen, Websites | Digital, Publishing, Retail

Graphic | Editorial Design

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

RCA | CCA | No One Lives Here | Photoshoot | Exhibition Website

Campaigns, Environments | 3D, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Logos | Identities, Photography, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Education, Non Profit

Stereohype | Mascot Squirrels (STBBMP)

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Friends of the Earth | Love Recycling Campaign / Logo

Campaigns, Environments | 3D, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Photography, Print, Non Profit

Custom Emoji | Mind Blown

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | (2010) Postcard Set #3

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Computer Arts Project | Illustration

Illustration, Print, Typography, Publishing

Stereohype Button Badge Poster

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion

(0FR) Magazine | Eye Pencil Sculpture

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Typographic Experiment | Displays

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Photography, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Glitch Type Animations

FL@33 projects, Moving image, Screen, Typography, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts

The 3D Type Book | FL@33 Book

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Moving image, Photography, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

RCA Secret 2006 | Postcards

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Culture | Arts

Drunk Animation

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Moving image, Screen, Culture | Arts, Food | Beverage

Stereohype – A Decade | 10×10 Poster / Badge Anniversary Series

Campaigns, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail


FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Photography, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Patterns | Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Forest Series

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Photography, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Toi Com Moi | E-Commerce Website

Illustration, Screen, Websites | Digital, Fashion, Retail

Photo Series | Pairs

FL@33 projects, Photography, Culture | Arts

RCA Secret 2016 | Fig. 1–3 Postcards

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts

Postcard | FL@33 Book

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Weeks & Cowling | Website (v.1)

Websites | Digital, Architecture | Interiors

EMAP / MM | Cover Design – 3 Thinking

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Publishing

Stereohype / Habitat Sets (round 1)

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Stereohype | Packaging Design | Gift Boxes: 3–25 Button Badges

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Art Zine Contribution | Good vs Evil

FL@33 projects, Photography, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Architecture Series | Covers

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Illustration | Pixel House Number 33

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Screen, Culture | Arts

Photography | The Graphic Eye Cover

FL@33 projects, Photography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Castelbajac / FL@33's Agathe | Postcard

Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Retail

Equity | The Board Game | Fostering Responsible Finance | Logo and Animation

Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Education, Others, Publishing, Retail

Typographic MCA / Beastie Boys Tribute

FL@33 projects, Typography, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Arts Affaires | Moving Announcement

Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts

RCA Secret 2017 | Swan Details

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Arts Affaires | Brochure / Newsletter

Print, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Online Boutique | stereohype.com v.2

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Balloons | Print Series 4

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Photography, Print, Products

Stereohype | Logo

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

RCA Secret 2013 | Postcards

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Young Vic / Vesturport / Barbican | Woyzeck Campaign

Campaigns, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

MMM-Festival | Campaign 2009

Campaigns, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Stereohype / Habitat Sets (round 2)

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Big Splash | Black Swan Print

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Various FL@33 Photographs

FL@33 projects, Photography, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Packaging Design | First Gift Box: 7 Button Badges

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Matelsom | Mattress Testing

Campaigns, Illustration, Moving image, Print, Retail

Matelsom | E-Commerce Website (v.3) UI Elements

Illustration, Screen, Retail

Photo Series | Vanishing Point

FL@33 projects, Photography, Culture | Arts

Camus' The Outsider | Illustrations

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Publishing

RCA Secret 2016 | Leaves Postcards

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Emoji Animation | Season's Greetings

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Moving image, Screen, Typography, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts

meubles.com | Logo / Stationery

Campaigns, Logos | Identities, Print, Retail

8 Minutes 20 Seconds | Various Video Compositions

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Photography, Screen, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

EMAP / MM | Cover Design – Under 40

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Publishing

Flying Roofs Series

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Waldruche De Montremy | Family Shield | Design Refresh

Campaigns, Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Typography, Food | Beverage, Retail

Jörg Preußer / FL@33's Tomi | Suchprozess Book Design

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Photography, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Stereohype | B.I.O. (By Invitation Only) Button Badge Series

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Patterns | Mini Edition Cover

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

RCA Secret 2017 | Glitch Photographs

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Castelbajac / FL@33's Agathe | Brochure Proposal

Print, Retail

The 3D Type Book | Microsite

Campaigns, FL@33 projects, Screen, Typography, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail


FL@33 projects, Screen, Websites | Digital, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing

GraficEurope | Movie / Microsite

Campaigns, FL@33 projects, Moving image, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Education

Rubber Band Ball Alphabet

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Typography, Culture | Arts

MMM-Festival | T-shirts 2008

Campaigns, Customisation, Illustration, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Music | Sound

Friends of the Earth | Biofuel Campaign

Campaigns, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Non Profit

FL@33 Postcard #4 | Spring

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Paris in 5 Lines

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Friends of the Earth | Climate Change Visuals

Campaigns, Illustration, Print, Non Profit

AAT – Animated, Acoustic Typefaces | Packaging Solutions

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound, Retail

Graphic Poetry Book Contribution

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Matelsom | Various Illustrations

Campaigns, Illustration, Print, Retail

Mural | Illustration

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Interior design, T-shirts | Clothing, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing

Installation | Glowing Memories

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Screen, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Stereohype | Squirrel (T-)Shirts

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Matelsom | Metro Poster Campaign 2002

Campaigns, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Retail

300% Cotton | Promo T-shirts

Campaigns, Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Penrhyn Books | The Bitter Sea

Book design, Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Photography, Print, Products, Typography, Publishing, Retail

Stereohype | Various T-shirts

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

MMM-Festival | Programme / Poster 2009

Campaigns, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Badge Button Pin Set | BBP4

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Planes – Delayed Animation

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Moving image, Screen, Typography, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

S.A.V. Monogram | Logo | ≶

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Non Profit, Others

Salomon Snowboard Designs

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Products, Culture | Arts, Others, Retail

Glitch Butterflies

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Culture | Arts

Window Variations | Leafs Vectors Flowers

Graphic art, Illustration, Photography, Culture | Arts

Matelsom | CD Cover

Campaigns, Illustration, Print, Music | Sound, Retail

FL@33 | flat33.com (v.3)

FL@33 projects, Screen, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts

Theatre Molière / FL@33's Agathe | Poster Campaign

Campaigns, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Broken Beauty (STBBMP BIO17)

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Interior design, Photography, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Photo Series | Coin-operated Telescope Faces

FL@33 projects, Photography, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts

Novum | Cover Illustration

Covers | Jackets, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Made & Sold | Website

Campaigns, FL@33 projects, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Photo Series | #Sky and U-Turns

FL@33 projects, Photography, Culture | Arts

Location 68 | Website

Campaigns, Logos | Identities, Screen, Typography, Websites | Digital, Others, Sport | Leisure

Waldruche De Montremy | Champagne Logo

Campaigns, Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Typography, Food | Beverage, Retail

Fedrigoni 366 | 2020 | Book Contribution

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Stereohype | Telescope T-shirts

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

MMM-Festival | Campaign

Campaigns, Logos | Identities, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

FL@33 Postcard #3 | Cityscape Metamorphosis

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Waldruche De Montremy | Champagne Bottle | Packaging Design

Campaigns, Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Typography, Food | Beverage, Retail

FL@33 Logo Cake

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Photography, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Food | Beverage

Location 68 | Logo

Campaigns, Logos | Identities, Moving image, Print, Typography, Websites | Digital, Others, Sport | Leisure

Librarie La Hune | Shop-window

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

RCA Secret 2018 | #loadingmuseum

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Screen, Culture | Arts

FL@33 Logo (Early 2001) | ASCII

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Optimist T-shirt Series

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Typography, Fashion, Retail

Toy2R | Designers Themselves Qee

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Products, Culture | Arts, Retail

Stereohype | Leaves (STBBMP BIO16)

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Interior design, Photography, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

meubles.com | Metro Poster Campaign

Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Retail

Fedrigoni 365 | 2022 | Book Contribution

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Matelsom | Logo / Custom Housefont

Customisation, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Retail

AAT – Animated, Acoustic Typefaces

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Screen, Typography, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Stereohype | Resist! (STBBMP BIO18)

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Interior design, Print, Products, Typography, Retail

Toy2R | Custom Bart Simpson Toy

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Products

Stereohype | Bipyramids <> (STBBMP BIO15)

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Interior design, Photography, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

RCA Secret 2011 | Postcards

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Packaging | Button Badge Motif Print (STBBMP) Edition Boxes

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

FL@33 for Autobahn | Custom Typeface

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Posters | Postcards, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts

GraphicDesign& Mathematics | Golden Meaning | FL@33 Contribution

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Monique van Vessem | Logo

Logos | Identities, Typography, Fashion, Retail

Toy2R | Custom Adidas Qee

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Retail

Altran | Animation / Video Projection

Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Screen, Others

Wegwerf-Gesellschaft Animation

FL@33 projects, Moving image, Screen, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Photo Exhibition | Postcards

FL@33 projects, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Bzzzpeek Support T-shirts

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Products, T-shirts | Clothing, Typography, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Music | Sound, Retail

Spiked | Animation Proposal 2 / Sleepy?

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Moving image, Screen, Food | Beverage

RCA | CCA | No One Lives Here | Identity System

Campaigns, Environments | 3D, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Logos | Identities, Moving image, Print, Screen, Typography, Websites | Digital, Culture | Arts, Education

Fedrigoni 365 | 2018 | Book Contributions

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

FL@33 Logo (Late 2001) | Unfolded

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Moving image, Print, Screen, Typography, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

CJV Monogram | Logo

FL@33 projects, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Non Profit, Others

Trans-it CD-Rom

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Moving image, Products, Screen, Websites | Digital, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Retail

FL@33 Postcard #6 | Butterfly Pencil Sculpture

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Breaking Waves | Print

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Photography, Print, Products, Culture | Arts

Badge For Limited Edition Book

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

École Normale de Musique | Logo 2002–2019

Logos | Identities, Print, Culture | Arts, Education, Music | Sound

Zwischenstation / Coup de grace | Poems Collection

Book design, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

MMM-Festival | 2009 Sponsors' Brochure / Poster

Campaigns, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Génépi Immobilier | Brochure

Covers | Jackets, Print, Others

Toi Com Moi | Logo

Illustration, Logos | Identities, Retail

Balloons | Print Series 1

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Photography, Print, Products, Culture | Arts

Toy2R | FL@33's Mr Papillon Kit Cat Qee

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Products, Culture | Arts, Retail

Cityscape Creature

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Photography, Culture | Arts

FL@33 Postcard #5 | Shadows

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

Weeks & Cowling | Logo

Logos | Identities, Moving image, Print, Screen, Typography, Architecture | Interiors

Stereohype | Car Wash (STBBMP BIO18)

Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Interior design, Photography, Print, Products, Retail

RCA Secret 2015 | Balloon Postcards

Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Culture | Arts

FL@33 New Year's Kit 2004

FL@33 projects, Print, Culture | Arts

Southbank Centre / Royal Festival Hall | Classical Music Campaign

Campaigns, Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Culture | Arts, Music | Sound

Matelsom | Stationery

Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Retail

Stereohype | Mascot Squirrel Button Badge Series

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Stereohype | Swing Tags

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Retail

Toi Com Moi | Postcard / Business Card

Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Retail

8 Minutes 20 Seconds | Sequence Prints

FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Installations | Exhibits, Photography, Posters | Postcards, Print, Products, Screen, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Creative Review | Cover Design

Covers | Jackets, Illustration, Print, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing

FL@33 New Year's Kit 2003

FL@33 projects, Illustration, Print, Products, Culture | Arts

Stereohype | Button Badge Motif Prints | Embossed Seal

Campaigns, Customisation, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Illustration, Logos | Identities, Print, Products, Typography, Culture | Arts, Publishing, Retail

Stereohype – A Decade | Exhibition — Curation And Design

Campaigns, Environments | 3D, FL@33 projects, Graphic art, Installations | Exhibits, Logos | Identities, Print, Typography, Architecture | Interiors, Culture | Arts, Fashion, Publishing, Retail

Creative Review | Editorial / Illustration

Environments | 3D, Illustration, Photography, Print, Culture | Arts, Publishing

Friends of the Earth | Climate Change Posters

Campaigns, Illustration, Posters | Postcards, Print, Non Profit

Groupe Galeries Lafayette | BHV Illustration

Illustration, Print, Others, Retail

FL@33 New Year's Kit 2002

FL@33 projects, Moving image, Print, Products, Screen, Typography, Culture | Arts

transparent for Imageloading