FL@33 Masterclass Workshop – Year 4 (dates, times, details): Personal Projects and the Power of Three. ECV Lille, 21 Rue du Molinel campus, 28–31 January 2019, Monday–Thursday, 10:00–13:00 / 14:00–17:00, 1 February 2019, Friday late morning until early afternoon (exact time tbc): workshop exhibition and presentation of all projects. PLEASE ALSO NOTE: FL@33 LECTURE / RAFFLE (TOMBOLA) Tomi Vollauschek talks about multi-disciplinary design studio FL@33, their graphic art label Stereohype, self-initiated and commissioned projects, experiences and life. Followed by Q&A and a raffle (tombola with FL@33 goodies) at the end of the talk. Wednesday evening, 21 Rue du Molinel campus, 30 January 2019, 18:30–approximately 20:00+
___ Portfolio sessions / Q&A – A chance to discuss your and/or our work and/or life after college.
I suggested to offer you the opportunity to discuss students’ work and/or our studio work, application do’s and don’ts and/or life after college. We only have approximately one hour each on the available two days for this however – if you are interested. Please do try to organise as a group and prepare your questions and presentations accordingly. If you are interested please do let me know on the day BEFORE 17:00. Available days: Tuesday and Thursday, 21 Rue du Molinel campus, 29 and 31 January 2019, 17:00–18:00.
AIM: This evolving FL@33 workshop was developed to encourage experimentation, appreciation of process but also to help students to embrace failure and provoke ‘happy accidents’. The workshop aims to help students find a voice and add more personality and emotion to their work as graphic designers and visual communicators.
___ This 5-day experience encourages students to develop a sense of authorship and create – and most importantly continue to create – their own self-initiated projects, even after their graduation and into their professional lives.
___ Students are asked to take the opportunity to continue to develop ideas, work on footage and collections that were already started, while others are helped to develop starting points and ideas that are close to their heart.
Head / Heart / Hand – What is the ‘power of three’? Agathe and I studied at the Royal College of Art (RCA) in London. During our studies we first heard Jon Wozencroft mention the Power of Three guideline in a private conversation before one of his Sound Seminars we used to have there every week. This Power of Three was to become – not a rule or a philosophy – but a guideline how FL@33 has been trying since to operate and produce projects. The idea behind the Power of Three is that head, heart and hand – intellect, emotion and skills – are present in equal measures.
___ It was only years later that we learned that the original quote was by Professor Richard Guyatt (1914–2007) who was a British designer, academic and rector at the RCA between 1978 and 1981. Guyatt's timeless vision was that every graphic designer should have a balance of head, heart and hand in his/her work as thematic starting points.
___ If there is only one thing you take with you from this workshop please let it be this guideline – it's amazing!
Workshop briefing: A combination of two things: a final piece AND a making-of project documention that shows your process – the journey to the final piece. Please choose an appropriate 2D, 3D or 4D medium for your final piece (it must look intriguing and well-crafted) AND your making-of documentation. Medium and technique can include illustration, photography, typography, video, animation, interaction, 3D installation, sound, screen printing, collage, data visualisation and/or any combination. The required documentation can be in form of a brochure, leaflet, fanzine, postcard set, poster or the solution that is always popular with students: a poster/brochure combination. For your portfolio please ensure that the printed documentation also shows at least one photo or visualisation of the FINAL PIECE – especially if it’s a video or installation and not already 2D!
___ Do come prepared! Please read the complete brief and think about it before the workshop. Please also check out the links at the end of the brief – and the books if you can. What do you enjoy doing? What challenge would you like to take on for this workshop? Please prepare a 5 min presentation of your life and/or work. Who are you? What is your passion?
Concept generation. Power of Three. Seek discomfort. Document your process and progress. Ask to be photographed while you work. It’s always engaging to see the creator’s hands every now and then for example.
Please refer to list of recommended movie clips, links and most importantly – the books.
To help you get started please select the following three elements:
— one personal everyday observation,
— one personal everyday object and also
— something you collect or are fascinated by / passionate about.
After your 5 minute portfolio presentation we will together work, combine and develop your workshop ideas and starting points on day one. We will also discuss which medium might be the most appropriate, intriguing, challenging and fun choice for you. We can also talk about which documenation format might suit you best and I will bring paper folding examples for you to look at before you decide what you want to do.
___ Think creatively in the meantime whether or not any these three suggested starting points are useful for you, and if so, whether they could be combined in a philosophical or concrete fashion. In any case please use wit, humour and/or appropriate aesthetics to tackle this project. Challenge yourself and experiment. Please let your style and personality shine through.
___ Most importantly: do NOT be boring and do NOT ‘play it safe’. Use the opportunity to dive in and challenge yourself!
___ It will be up to you to translate your choice into a fascinating, communicative and overall appealing presentation while keeping the Power of Three in mind.
Please do NOT present on screen but print your project or find another appropriate method. Unless you create specifically for a screen-based project nothing is allowed to be presented on
screen that doesn’t belong there. For the final presentation please only use a computer screen, smartphone or tablet screen to present if this is the most appropriate medium for your idea. You will be asked to justify your choice(s). Please discuss beforehand
if in doubt.
Embrace failure. Add some heart. Document your process and progress.
___ Please try to embed more emotion and personality in your project.
___ You may start experimenting with actual production already – but only when you are ready with concept generation and you are satisfied with your level of authorship.
Make. Create. Build. Experiment. Discover. Experiment more. Fail and experiment even more. Don’t forget to document your process and progress.
___ If you did not start already please do now begin to experiment and fine-tune your vision while developing the actual piece. There is still time for U-turns, changes and tweaks.
Make it a success now, it’s time. Wrap it up and do continue to document your process and progress.
___ Decide how important the documentation will likely be in your final presentation. Sometimes making-ofs end up being a core-element in projects. Compromise or don’t – but find a way today to make your project a success for tomorrow’s exhibition and presentation.
___ Double and triple-check whether you achieved an acceptable balance between intellect, emotion and skills. If not – adjust, tweak and modify accordingly.
___ Work on a well-prepared 2–4min verbal presentation for tomorrow that showcases your workshop experience by presenting your documentation and your final piece.
Please ensure to address below points in your presentation.
— What was your starting point?
— Explain your process and how you challenged yourself?
— What was the most frustrating aspect of your project and what was the most satisfying one?
— Were there any ‘happy accidents’?
— Comment on the achieved balance of the Power of Three.
Come prepared. Students will all present for approx. 2–4 minutes – a chance for everybody else to see what the others came up with.
I can’t wait... Good luck and thank you!
Enjoy! 8)
Learn From Failure by Tim Brown (CEO, IDEO), 1:39
On the Fear of Failure by Milton Glaser, 7:26
Seek Discomfort by Stefan Sagmeister, 0:55
exhibit from Sagmeister’s The Happy Show exhibition. The exhibition forms part of the research for The Happy Film by Stefan Sagmeister (2016, thehappyfilm.org)
Parfaites imperfections by Erik Kessels
(French translation)
I will bring my English copy of the book with me. A French copy will hopefully be available at the college. Please ask Sébastien Delobel.
Amazon France 9.95 €
Failed It! by Erik Kessels
(Original English version)
£ 6.95
Postcard / Cartes Postales by FL@33
A few of the many varyingly complex FL@33 examples of mundane observations and objects that turned into the stars of a project:
Trans-form (many different observations of tower cranes)
8min 20sec (observation, technique, set of rules that can be applied to different footage).
Bzzzpeek.com (currently still requires Flash plugin –new version hopefully in the near future...)
Picture hook faces (more)
Singing Pasta
Chinface animation
Autobahn custom typeface
Fedrigoni 365 2019
Daniel Eatock
Examples (but please do check out his portfolio in more detail)
some of Daniel Eatock’s postcard-related projects:
Back Formations, Back Compositions and Postcards 2
Russell Weekes
A similar way of thinking.
Examples (but please do check out his portfolio in more detail)