Design Teaching: CPH:typo*12 conference, FL@33 talk at Danmarks Medie- og Journalisthøjskole / Danish School of Media and Journalism, annual one-day type conference, FL@33’s Tomi Vollauschek, ABCDimensional: an in-depth look at selected projects from The 3D Type Book, Copenhagen, Denmark, 12 April 2012

Collected pictures taken by FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek, other speakers and organisers – shown here with kind permission of Henrik Birkvig, Barbara Dechant and Autobahn.
___ Speakers: The 3D Type Book contributors Evelin Kasikov, Autobahn (Maarten Dullemeijer and Rob Stolte), Barbara Dechant (Buchstabenmuseum), Julie K. Andersen, Tomi Vollauschek (FL@33).
12. april afholdes en-dags-konferencen CPH:typo for 8. gang med en vifte af foredragsholdere under temaet: Det fysiske bogstav. Der fremstilles bogstaver i en lang række materialer og teknikker som aldrig før. Bogstavet er blevet frigjort fra papirets statiske kvalitet og skærmens kolde data. Designere har genopdaget de kvaliteter, der knytter sig til bogstaver, der kan røres ved og som eksisterer i tre dimensioner. Tilmeld dig og tank inspiration fra fem foredragsholdere på Emdrupvej i København.
___ Tank inspiration fra aktuel typo-trend. For ottende år i træk afholdes 1-dagskonferencen CPH:typo i år med inspirerende indlæg om en af de aktuelle trends i grafisk design: brugen af fysiske bogstaver som dele af designløsninger og visuel kommunikation.
___ Barbara Dechant driver sammen med Anja Schulze Buchstabenmuseum i Berlin. Hun vil fortælle historier om de tredimensionelle bogstavers liv. buchstabenmuseum.de
___ Tomi Vollauschek fortæller om en række cases beskrevet i bogen The 3D Type Book. flat33.com
___ Autobahn beskriver designløsninger og eksperimenter baseret på fremstilling af fysiske bogstaver. autobahn.nl
___ Evelin Kasikov fortæller om sit arbejde med at forene sy-teknik og grafisk design. evelinkasikov.com
___ Julie K Andersen fortæller om arbejdet med udstillingen Be my Valentine, bitch! med værker fremstillet med en række stoflige teknikker. inspirationlab.wordpress.com
Juxtapositions, January – March 2013, MICA, Events, Tomi Vollauschek lecture announcement, Baltimore, Maryland, USA, January 2013 (English)
De Volkskrant, Newspaper, The 3D Type Book review, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 3 September 2011 (Dutch)
IdN, v18n3: Glitch issue, The 3D Type Book review, Hong Kong, June / July 2011 (English)
Page, June issue, The 3D Type Book review, Hamburg, Germany, May 2011 (German)
SFi – Special Feature issue (by invitation only), caroleguevin.com, FL@33 profile / interview, Montreal, Canada, May 2011 (English)
Brainpickings / The Atlantic, brainpickings.com / theatlantic.com, The 3D Type Book review, by Maria Popova, USA, April 2011 (English)
Grafik, 189, The 3D Type Book review, London, UK, April 2011 (English)
Cool Hunting, coolhunting.com, The 3D Type Book review, From toothpaste to x-rays, typography's new creative shapes, by Karen Day, USA, April 2011 (English)
Digital Arts, April issue, The 3D Type Book review, London, UK, March 2011 (English)
Creative Review, March issue, books: The 3D Type Book (p)review, London, UK, February 2011 (English)
Page / e-mag, page-online.de, FL@33 profile / interview, Hamburg, Germany, January 2011 (German)
Designers’ Identities, FL@33 profile / case study, Laurence King Publishing, by Liz Farrelly, London, UK, November 2010 (English)
Selected A – Graphic Design from Europe, Index Book, Barcelona, Spain, October 2010 (English)
RGB – Reviewing Graphics in Britain, Actar, by Marc Valli and Richard Brereton, FL@33 profile / interview, Barcelona, Spain, May 2010 (English)
Babyboss, vol. 1, edition 4, bilingual, English and Indonesian, 12-page FL@33 profile / interview, Jakarta, Indonesia, September 2008 (English)
ECV Lille, MA Culture Graphique course —
Tomi Vollauschek Design Teaching: re-appointed to remotely teach Culture Graphique course for year 5 / Master 2 (alternance) students, ECV Lille, France, 27 September – 15 November 2024
ECV Aix-en-Provence, design residency 2024 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass typography workshop at ECV Aix-en-Provence, France, 28–31 October 2024
ECV Aix-en-Provence, Graduation Ceremony Speech by Diploma Jury President and Panelist — Tomi Vollauschek in his role as president and panelist of the international Master Design Jury for Diplomas 2023 was honoured to be invited to attend the Graduation Ceremony and give a Speech at Théâtre du Jeu de Paume, Aix-en-Provence, France, 23 February 2024
ECV Lille, design residency 2024 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop at ECV Lille, France, 15–19 January 2024
ECV Lille, MA Visual Identity course
— Tomi Vollauschek Design Teaching: remote Visual Identity course for year 5 / Master 2 (alternance) students, ECV Lille, France,
22 September – 3 November 2023
ECV Aix-en-Provence, Diploma Jury President and Panelist — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek was honoured to be the president and panelist of the international Master Design Diploma Jury at ECV France – École de Création Visuelle, ECV Aix-en-Provence, France, 26–27 June 2023
ECV Aix-en-Provence, design residency 2023 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop at ECV Aix-en-Provence, France, 2–5 May 2023
Type Talks Series: Tomi Vollauschek — Tomi Vollauschek Type Talk with Q&A at Cambridge College of Art / A.R.U. Anglia Ruskin University, UK, 13 March 2023
ECV Lille, design residency 2022 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop at ECV Lille, France, 14–18 November 2022
ECV Lille, FL@33 masterclass online workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek and his first ever online version of his masterclass workshop at ECV Lille, France, 8–11 March 2021
ECV Aix-en-Provence – international jury panelist: Master graduation presentations — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek was jury panelist for Graphic Design Master graduation presentations at ECV Aix-en-Provence, France, 7–9 September 2020
ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2020 – FL@33 workshops and lecture — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek workshops and lecture at ECV Lille, France, 24–28 February 2020
ECV Lille, design residency 2020 – FL@33 masterclass workshop — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop at ECV Lille, France, 27–31 January 2020
ECV Lille, design residency 2019 – FL@33 masterclass workshop and lecture — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek masterclass workshop and lecture at ECV Lille, France, 8 January – 1 February 2019. Lecture: 30 January 2019.
ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2018 – FL@33 workshops Tomi Vollauschek workshops at ECV Bordeaux, France, 12–16 February 2018
ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2017 – FL@33 workshops and lecture Tomi Vollauschek Master class workshops and evening lecture at ECV Bordeaux, France, 27 February – 3 March 2017
Limelight Night: Crossing Disciplines, House of Illustration, King's Cross, London, 2 Granary Square, N1C 4BH, 27 January 2017, 11am–6pm
ECV Lille, design residency 2016 – FL@33 workshop and lecture at École de Communication Visuelle, Lille, France, 12–15 April 2016
Letterform Live: Fashion, hosted by Grafik in partnership with Monotype, talk by FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek, Protein Studios, London, UK, 24 February 2016
Stereohype 2004–2014, celebrated 10 years of Stereohype – FL@33's experimental playground and international platform – and the collection reaching 1,000 button badges by over 300 contributors. The exhibition opened as part of London Design Festival 2014 and as part of '160' – a series of exhibitions hosted by the London College of Communication (LCC) in London. 13 Sep – 8 Nov (Extra week added – exhibition extended due to popular demand, was 31 Oct), Lower Street Gallery, LCC, London, UK.
FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – public lecture at h_da, Darmstadt High Noon Special #33, Hochschule Darmstadt, Fachbereich Gestaltung (formerly known as FH Darmstadt), University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Design, Darmstadt, Germany, 22 May 2013.
MICA, FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek designer in residence 2013 at MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA (lecture and workshop).
Selected A – Graphic Design from Europe, FL@33 talk, Barcelona, Spain, 12–13 March 2010
RCA Secret 2009, FL@33 postcards, Royal College of Art, London, UK, 13–20 November 2009
Sweatshop, T-shirt exhibition, Graphic Design Festival Breda (GDFB), The Netherlands, 23 May – 29 June 2008
The Show, Royal College of Art (RCA), final year master class show including the launch of FL@33’s Trans-form magazine, London, UK, June – July 2001
September 30th, 2024 — Just added: [EDU+] ← This is a new Design Teaching tag and browsing option compiles a new Design Teaching focus – an overview of Tomi Vollauschek's educational collaborations with international Art & Design Colleges including Tomi's Masterclass workshops, courses, jury duty and college lectures.
April 20th, 2023 — University of Gloucestershire (UoG) illustration students visit FL@33 London HQ for a little presentation.
December 12th, 2018 — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek to run 5-day workshop and give lecture at ECV – Creative Schools & Community, Lille, France, 8 January – 1 February 2019. Lecture: 30 January 2019.
March 21st, 2017 — We managed to get our hands on a few of the remaining mint US copies of FL@33's The 3D Type Book. A few signed copies are available at stereohype.com.
November 30th, 2016 — It's official: ECV Bordeaux, design residency 2017 – FL@33 workshops and lecture. More info.
August 21st, 2014 — Press release and invitation: Stereohype 2004–2014 — 10 years, 1,000 button badges, over 300 contributors, 1 exhibition, 10 specially commissioned posters (together with badge), several new product releases including B.I.O. (by invitation only) button badge series 14, call for entries for our 10th annual button badge design competition and more...
___ Please join us in London when we celebrate Stereohype's 10th anniversary – FL@33's experimental playground and international platform – with a huge exhibition. The private view will be on 18 Sep and the show will run from 13 Sep until – extended to 8 Nov (was 31 Oct). Please read the press release and invitation for all details.
August 8th, 2014 — Stereohype 2004–2014 — It's official as of today: FL@33's experimental playground and international platform for both emerging and established talents alike – Stereohype – will celebrate its 10th anniversary in style with an exhibition that will open its gate during London Design Festival 2014 and as part of '160' – a series of exhibitions hosted by the London College of Communication (LCC).
___ The FL@33-designed and curated show also marks the fact that Stereohype's popular button badge collection, created by over 300 contributors, will reach its 1,000th button badge this September, with each badge being showcased including an anniversary poster and badge project specially commissioned for the occasion. Preparations are in full swing and the official press release and invitation will be posted soon.
___ Sat 13 September – extended to Sat 8 November (was Fri 31 October), Mon–Fri 10am–5pm, Sat 11am–4pm, closed Sunday. Private View: Thu 18 September 6–9pm Hope to see you there. #st10yrs #lcc160 #ldf14
___ Location: Lower Street Gallery, London College of Communication, Elephant and Castle, London SE1 6SB
May 22nd, 2013 — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – High Noon Special, public lecture. Tonight at Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da), Faculty of Design, Darmstadt, Germany, 6pm. More info.
April 10th, 2013 — FL@33 goes Germany. FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek – High Noon Special, public lecture at Hochschule Darmstadt (h_da), Fachbereich Gestaltung (formerly known as FH Darmstadt), University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Design, Darmstadt, Germany, 22 May 2013. More info.
March 13th, 2013 — Public lecture by FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek at Maryland Institute College of Art (MICA) tonight at 7pm, followed by a booksigning. Lecture title: ABCDimensional: an in-depth look at selected projects from The 3D Type Book. Location: MICA, Brown Center, Falvey Hall, 1301 W. Mount Royal Avenue, Baltimore, MD, USA.
July 13th, 2012 — Just confirmed: 2013: FL@33 goes America. Tomi Vollauschek designer in residence 2013 at MICA, Baltimore, MD, USA (lecture and workshop).
February 22nd, 2012 — FL@33's Tomi Vollauschek will be giving a talk at this year's CPH:typo*12 conference in Copenhagen.